
Best Way To Use A Machinist’s Vice In The Woodworking Shop

Lots Of Times Your Woodworking Vice Is Not The Right Vice For The Job.

A machinist's vice comes in very handy from time to time.

The problem is where to mount it. The machinist's vice needs to be mounted on something heavy and solid.

In the woodworking shop that is usually your woodworking bench, But something bolted to the top of that bench is the last thing you need.

There is a great solution that allows you to have the best of both worlds.

I've used my machinist's vice this way for 30 years and this solution has never been a problem.

Watch the video:


I found an L shaped mounting bracket better because it got the vice back over the bench.

That way when you pound on the vice the forces go to the bench top, not to the fasteners holding the woodworking vice to the bench top.

Also make sure the wooden jaws of your woodworking vice are flush with the bench top.

Mounting trick for a machinist's vice in a woodworking shop


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