
Construction Know How – Common Rafter Tail Layout

You've got your common rafter marked for length – now let's look at the tail portion.

There are a whole bunch of things to consider when you do your rafter tail layout.

You need to consider how big the bird's mouth cut is going to be. You need bearing on the wall but you wood strength acros the top of the wall for the eave overhang and as much room as possible above the plate for insulation.

How much roof overhang will there be. Are you measuring that from the wall sheathing line or wall finish (4″ of brick makes a difference).

How about the soffit? Do you need a rough fascia for it to nail to? How thick is the rough fascia and finish fascia?

Watch and see how these factors are taken into account.


Did you miss the first video in this series? — Click Here —

How to do common rafter layout



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