The Impeller And Nozzles
The Alternator
Installed On Site
This 5 Gal Bucket Generator was originally designed for third world use.
It as been successfully installed in Peru And Guatemala in some villages that had no power.
The Five Gallon Bucket Hydroelectric Generator is a pico hydroelectric generator housed in a five-gallon bucket. Developed by Sam Redfield to address the lack of commercially available small-scale hydroelectric power in developing countries, the generator is a low-cost, appropriate-technology solution to the problem of supplying electricity to those at the bottom of the economic ladder.
The generator is easy to build and easy to maintain. By design, the materials from which the generator is constructed are extremely common. Most of the components used in the generator are readily available just about anywhere in the world. The Five Gallon Bucket Hydroelectric Generator can be manufactured and maintained locally by artisans with limited resources and skills. The generator is made with a modified Toyota alternator and readily available hardware and PVC pipe. The system is more economical than comparably sized photovoltaic, hydroelectric and wind generation systems. Source article
Here are the original build manuals http://www.five-gallon-bucket-hydroelectric.org/build-manuals/
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