Here's A Retaining Wall Which Is Durable And Can Be Build By The Average Do It Yourself-er.
There are a number of things to consider when building a retaining wall.
The layout or plan view of the wall.
The elevations, how high the wall needs to be along it,s length. Where the steps in the wall will be. The steps in the tops and the steps in the base course.
Where the walkways are and are stairs required in the walkways.
The wall design itself. Will it be straight up and down or will the wall have a sloped front with the timbers stepping back with each course. The structural concerns, how to prevent the wall from caving in over time. Earth behind a wall exerts a lot of force. For walls over say4 feet you should probably start thinking about hiring a soils engineer and he may recommend a structural engineer get ivolved with some walls.
You need proper drainage, not just surface drainage but drainage below and behind the wall. You also have to prevent that drainage from filling up with silt over time.
Most walls than homeowners build are pretty simple to do and this video shows you how to build them.

My husband and I just moved to Mississauga and we are working on the landscaping in our backyard. My husband works out of town for most of the week and I am by no means handy with any sort of tool. We really want to do the same sort of style with the timber for our retaining walls but I think I will leave it to more capable hands. Thank you for the ideas!