How many rabbits do you know who live in an A-frame rabbit hutch
Here is a safe sturdy and predator proof rabbit hutch setup.
These cages are also lightweight and easy to move if necessary.
Other people have used them for other small animals and birds as well.
Here's what the builder has to say about these hutches.
When I got my first three rabbits, they were living in rarely cleaned, solid-floored cages. One of my rabbits had sore hocks. Within two weeks of living in the wire cage, her condition cleared up. My rabbits are mini rexes, which means that their feet are more susceptible to sore hocks. Even so, none of my rabbits have sore hocks anymore since I put them in the wire cages.
I always provide my rabbits a choice between the hay-covered floor and the open wire. I find that on warm days, I find almost all of them sitting in the run.
And, since I got a comment about it, I would also like to clarify: my rabbits are not for meat. They are pets and show rabbits. And I love pampering them. Most days, you'll see me bring a rabbit from the outdoor hutch and into the house until it has to use the bathroom. And then I'll put it back.
Back at the original article you get the detailed construction steps and more images.